Fully Funded Helen Hay Whitney Postdoctoral Research in USA 2024-25

The Fully Funded Helen Hay Whitney Postdoctoral Research in USA is open to all nationals. Helen Hay Whitney Fellowship invites applications from international students who want to pursue postdoctoral degrees for the academic year 2025.

Helen Hay Whitney Fellowships is open to international students pursuing postdoctoral studies at USA universities. The Foundation provides sufficient financial support to support the careers of young people engaged in biological or medical research, and this is done to achieve its ultimate goal of increasing the number of imaginative, well-trained, and dedicated medical scientists.

The Helen Hay Whitney fellowship competition is intense. Less than 5% of those applying for us are awarded. Please notice that the Foundation is unable to criticize ineffective proposals due to the quantity of requests received.
Fully Funded Helen Hay Whitney Postdoctoral Research in USA 2024-25
Fully Funded Helen Hay Whitney Postdoctoral Research in USA 2024-25



Deadline: 17 June 2024

Provider: Helen Hay Whitney Foundation
Area of Study: Subjects offered by the university



The eligibility criteria for the Fully Funded Helen Hay Whitney Postdoctoral Research in USA are stated below:

  • Required Language: English
  • Eligible Countries: All World Countries.Note: In case you are a foreign national (including from conflict areas), you must have a local residency status and authorization to work in the country of the fellowship to which you are applying.
  • Candidates who hold or are in the final stages of obtaining a Ph.D., M.D., or equivalent degree and are seeking to begin postdoctoral training in basic biomedical research.
  • Candidates who have no more than one year of postdoctoral research experience at the time of the deadline for submitting the application and who have received a Ph.D. (or D.Phil. or equivalent) degree no more than two years before the deadline or an M.D. degree no more than three years before the deadline.
  • Fellowships may be awarded to foreign citizens for research in laboratories in the US only. And it’s expected that most applicants will reside in North America at the time of application.
  • The Foundation will not ordinarily consider applicants who plan tenure of the fellowship in the laboratory in which they have already received extensive predoctoral or postdoctoral training. The aim of the fellowship is to broaden postdoctoral training and experience, and a significant change of venue is advisable.
  • Foreign Students will need to obtain appropriate visa documentation, as required by US Immigration.
  • Clinical house-staff training does not count as “postdoctoral laboratory training.”.
  • Applications from established scientists or advanced fellows will not be considered. The fellowships are for early postdoctoral training only.
  • A two-day Annual Meeting of Fellows is held in November of each year, at which each third-year Fellow presents the results of his or her research. This meeting is an important component of the Fellowship Program because of the opportunity it provides the Fellows for scientific interchange and exposure to biomedical fields other than their own. Attendance at the meeting in its entirety is expected as a condition of acceptance of the fellowship.



The benefits of the Fully Funded Helen Hay Whitney Postdoctoral Research in USA are:

  • The Foundation provides funds for travel to the fellowship location at the time of activation of the fellowship for the Fellow and his or her family.
  • The Foundation also covers travel expenses incurred for the two-day Annual Fellows Meetings held in November.
  • There is a Dependent Child Allowance of $1,500 per annum for each child.
  • No payment is made for the transportation of household goods.
  • The current stipend and expense allowance is:
Year Stipend Research Allowance
1st Year $54,000 $1,500
2nd Year $57,000 $1,500
3rd Year  $60,000 $1,500



How to Apply for Helen Hay Whitney Fellowships?

Please visit the official website link given at the end. However, here are important instructions to avail of Helen Hay Whitney Fellowships for Postdoctoral Research:

  • Read the instructions carefully before attempting to complete the online application submission from here.
  • Download the Reference_Letter Template and forward it to your four referees; all four completed reference letters should be emailed to (letters@hhwf.org); convert the letter to pdf format and name the pdf file according to the instructions on the Reference Letter Template.
  • Download form Application Items 1-6. Upon its completion, upload it along with the other requested items.

IMPORTANT: The uploading of the zipped file should be done immediately following the submission of the 2-page application cover (it should NOT be uploaded at a later time or date).

  • Complete the application form here.